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A closeup photo of the gloved hands of an electrician hold an electrical conduit with the left hand and several multicolored wires in the right hand against the backdrop of a gray wall with more conduits affixed to it, conduit, conduits, wiring, ground wire, wires, wire, electrician, electrical, electric, power, repair pro, technician, electrical technician, electric tech, gloves, gloved hands, hands
Home Improvement
Elizabeth Marcant

What Does 'Grounding' Mean?

This article covers some basics of home electricity and provides a definition of electrical grounding. It also discusses the purpose of electrical grounding wires in your home and why they exist.

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Home Improvement
Hannah Stephens

Do You Need an Electrical Inspection?

Electrical issues are a leading cause of house fires. Scheduling an electrical inspection can help diagnose and fix problems before they cause a fire.

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Home Improvement
Selina Kyle

What Flowers Attract Honeybees?

Planting flowers for bees provides them with food and ensures that pollination occurs. By understanding what flowers attract bees, you can create a vibrant garden that benefits the insects and your own ecosystem.

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Home Improvement
Lee Soren

4 Types of Pool Alarms for Safer Summer Swimming

An untended pool can also pose a danger to curious toddlers and wandering pets. When it comes to pool safety, a pool alarm can give you peace of mind.

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Home Improvement
Team eLocal

HVAC Upkeep Costs: Everything You Need to Know

Regular furnace and AC tune-ups can save you time, money and frustration in the long run and keep your home safe and comfortable.

A full complement of swimming pool chemicals and related implements sits in the foreground with the blue water of an in ground swimming pool visible in the background as well as greenery, swimming pool chemicals, swimming pool, pool, pool chemicals, chemicals, cleaning chemicals, chlorine, pH balance, blue water, water, trees, greenery, shrubs, swimming, chemical testing kit, pool testing kit
Home Improvement
Shelley Frost

A Homeowner's Guide to Pool-Cleaning Products

It takes a lot of work to keep your pool sparkling and fresh — and a lot of different cleaners. This is your guide to pool-cleaning products.

Professional automatic garage door opener repair service technician man working on a ladder at a home residential location making adjustments and fixing it while installing it.
Home Improvement
Shelley Frost

How to Secure Your Garage

Learn how to secure a garage door to protect what's inside your garage and keep intruders from continuing into your home.

Home Improvement
Team eLocal

How Much Does a Heat Pump Cost?

An efficient way to cool and heat homes in moderate and mild climates is by using heat pumps. Here's what to know about installation costs.