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kitchen fire damage
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Team eLocal

How to Prevent Electrical Fires

If you're like most people, you have a number of appliances and electronics plugged in at all times. Learn more about what causes electrical fires and find out what you can do to reduce your risk.

A woman sitting at a desk working on a laptop computer looks up at the ceiling with an annoyed expression due to evident noise coming from the condo or apartment above, woman, looking up, woman looking up, condo, condominium, apartment, annoyed, angry, disturbed, disturbance, noise, noisy, loud, computer, laptop computer, desk, desktop
Shelley Frost

How to File a Noise Complaint

One way to stop noisy neighborhood conflicts is by filing a noise complaint. However, that's only an option when there's a noise ordinance in place.

Home Improvement
Team eLocal

4 Ways to Save Water While Using a Dishwasher

Dishwashers are amazing time-savers, so you may be surprised to learn that these appliances typically use less water than handwashing. Even so, there are a few ways to make this efficient appliance even more energy-saving.

technician checking oven with meter
Home Improvement
Team eLocal

Why Isn't My Oven Heating Up?

When you're looking forward to a freshly baked cake or batch of cookies, a stone-cold oven is the last thing you want. There are various potential causes of an oven not heating up; which is to blame often depends on whether you have a gas or electric oven.

Wolf double oven
Home Improvement
Team eLocal

How to Save Energy While Using the Oven

Cooking food in the oven comes at a cost to your wallet and the planet. Fortunately, you don't need to sacrifice crispy lasagnas or fluffy, home-baked cakes to save energy.

Illustration of a gas stove with eggs instead of stove eyes
Home Improvement
Michael Franco

Why Does My Gas Stove Smell Like Eggs?

Aside from smelling bad, the whiff of rotten eggs can be a signal of a larger, more dangerous problem, like a natural gas leak. Here's what you need to know.

a freshly stained and polyurethaned hardwood floor
Home Improvement
Team eLocal

What Cleaners You Can — and Can't — Use on Hardwood Floors

The manufacturer of your particular hardwood floor might have recommended a certain type of cleaner, but if you’ve long lost the piece of paper with this information on it, we can help you out.

Electricall wall outlet in bathroom
Home Improvement
Shelley Frost

What Are the Different Kinds of Outlets?

Lots of things differentiate the types of outlets — from amperage and voltage to the kinds of plugs they’re able to accept. Explore the types of outlets to help you decide on upgrades.