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complaint form with glasses on it
Rowan Guthrie

How to File a Complaint Against a Police Officer

Police officers are expected to uphold the law and respect the rights of the people they serve. Americans can file a complaint against a police officer they accuse of misconduct. Here's how.

illustration of a person on a computer with a shadow figure looking over them
Kaia Koglin

Cyberstalking Laws: How to Protect Yourself

Cyberstalking is defined as harassment and intimidation using the internet or technology. Know your rights.

House insurance form for homeowners and model of home.
Rachel Elle

How Much Does Vacant Home Insurance Cost?

Vacant home insurance is an insurance policy designed to cover properties that aren't being lived in. Here's what it may cost you.

Police agents searching for drugs or guns in the car trunk while making a criminal investigation
Leigh A. Morgan

Can the Police Search Without a Warrant?

Although there are some situations that justify a warrantless search, the police usually need a warrant to search you, your house or your vehicle. 

A man with a white hard hat holding a clipboard, inspect house
Home Improvement
Hannah Stephens

How Often Should You Get a Home Inspection?

Why get a home inspection without a good reason? Knowledge is power, and knowing as much as possible about your home's condition is an excellent way to protect your family and nip minor issues in the bud. 

A home inspector wearing a white hardhat and yellow safety jacket stands on a ladder holding a clipboard as he examines the gutters of a house in a suburban neighborhood under a blue sky with scattered white clouds in the background, home inspector, inspector, suburban neighborhood, neighborhood, blue sky, white clouds, gutters, downspouts, shingles, roof, roofing, gutter inspection, checking gutters for damage, checking gutters
Home Improvement
Team eLocal

How Much Does a Home Inspection Cost?

A closer look at home inspection costs can help lift the shroud of mystery surrounding this essential part of the buying and selling process.

Drunk driving concept. Young man driving car under the influence of alcohol. Empty bottle of wine on front seat. Going away from party late at night. Traffic safety risk.
Leigh A. Morgan

What Are the Consequences of a DUI?

Arrested for driving under the influence? Learn more about the potential penalties for DUI and the factors that go into determining an appropriate sentence for this crime. 

illustration of a tanked water heater on a blue background
Home Improvement
Hannah Stephens

How Does a Water Softener Work?

Water softeners remove hard minerals from the water supply inside your home. Here's a look at how these machines work.