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What Are Spotted Lanternflies?
Lanternflies are considered an invasive species, and they're particularly fond of grape vineyards and sap-producing trees. If left to their own devices, lanternflies can cause significant damage to crops, trees and plant life.
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An attorney can provide legal advice if they decide to take your case, but like many potential clients, you may be wondering how you know a law firm is a good fit for your case.
How Does Getting Married Affect My Tax Filing Status?
Marriage brings some changes to your financial picture. This includes how you file your taxes. Explore how marriage affects your tax filing status as well as the potential benefits it can bring.
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Estimated tax payments only apply to certain situations, but if a tax professional recommended that you make them this year, it’s good to know what you’re getting yourself into.
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You want to enjoy your jewelry without worrying about dropping it down the drain or having it stolen. But is jewelry insurance worth it?
What Does Wedding Insurance Cover?
One important item on your wedding to-do list should be acquiring wedding insurance coverage, a one-day insurance policy designed specifically for this type of event.
How to Conduct a Home Security Audit
Conducting a home security audit can help you spot vulnerabilities that could put you at risk. Learn how to do a free home security audit yourself to spot changes you can make.
What Can I Do if My Landlord Won't Make Repairs?
What if your landlord doesn't fix things in a timely manner or at all? Unfortunately, that does happen, and it's important to know what to do if the landlord refuses to make repairs.