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Recent Legal Articles
What Is Wage Garnishment?
Millions of U.S. workers lose earnings to wage garnishment, which lets creditors legally seize pay in order to satisfy debts. If you're affected, here’s what you should know.
How Is 'Fault' Determined in a Divorce?
In some states, evidence of misconduct allows the aggrieved spouse to file for a fault divorce, giving them the opportunity to prove they've been wronged and potentially gain an edge in asset distribution.
What Do You Do If Your Neighbor Diverts Water Toward Your House?
Water drainage laws can protect you from neighbors who divert water onto your property. Here's what you should know.
What Is Small Claims Court?
Dealing with legal issues can be confusing, scary and expensive. Small claims court is an easier option that works for some types of legal disputes.
What Is a Reverse Mortgage?
Reverse mortgages are a home loan option that lets seniors tap into their property's equity. Here's what to know if you're considering a reverse mortgage.
What Is the Statute of Limitations?
Laws pertaining to both civil and criminal cases are often complex. Understanding what the statute of limitations is can help you determine your rights in a situation that could involve litigation or criminal charges.
8 Ways to Make Legal Expenses More Affordable
Legal fees can add up quickly, especially for complicated, drawn-out legal matters. Try these tips for saving money on legal expenses.
What Is Probate?
Understanding how probate works and what happens in probate court can help you better navigate the situation. It can also help you plan for your own estate to make probate easier for your loved ones in the future.