Recent Legal Articles

Two women in the office
J.D. Written by Team eLocal.

You Just Received a Contract. Do You Need a Lawyer?

Whether you're signing up for buying a car or renting a home, it's almost a guarantee that you'll be required to sign a contract. But do you need a lawyer to look it over before you sign?

Man is watching broken automobile headlight. Destroyed front light on the left side. Car crash or accident. Insurance, repair. Repair of auto.
J.D. Written by Team eLocal.

Do You Have to Report Minor Car Accidents?

At first glance, a minor car accident seems like no big But even if the damage is minimal, whether you should report the accident is based on a number of factors.

graphic showing the costs of contested uncontested and trial divorce
J.D. Written by Team eLocal.

How Much Does It Cost to Get Divorced?

Understanding what fees you might need to pay and how much divorce lawyers charge can help reduce uncertainty as you begin the process. This guide explains what factors affect the price. 

A man wearing a neck brace sits across a desk from a female personal injury attorney in a law office, man, male, injured man, injured male, neck brace, neck injury, injury, hurt, woman, female, lawyer, attorney, female lawyer, female attorney, law office, office, desk, personal injury, injury
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Can I Sue the Manufacturer If I Am Injured Using a Product?

Defective product lawsuits can result in a plaintiff receiving compensation for medical bills, lost wages and associated damages. If you think you may be eligible to file a lawsuit, here are a few things you should know about product liability claims.

Close-up Of A Woman's Hand Holding Pen Over Notice Of Foreclosure Document
Team eLocal

How to Fight Foreclosure

This article provides an overview of how to fight foreclosure. It covers the foreclosure process and some options for dealing with a foreclosure.

Businessman separates wooden block. Property division. Divorce and legal services. Concept of saving and investing
Team eLocal

What's the Difference Between Alimony and Child Support?

Going through a divorce or custody fight can be confusing and emotional, so understanding all your options — including the financial support you're entitled to receive — is important.

A human hand holds a magnifying glass over a residential subdivision blueprint showing property lines and property numbers and on top of that map sits a small model house and a pencil, human hand, hand, human, magnifying glass, pencil, model house, little house, small house, house, home, property lines, property blueprint, subdivision, residential neighborhood, neighborhood, map
Team eLocal

How Are Property Lines Established — and Why Do They Matter?

Whether you’re thinking about adding a major extension to your home or just fencing in your backyard, you should establish where your property lines are before you begin by consulting your property deed or hiring a professional surveyor. 

French bulldog with two hands divorce isolated
Team eLocal

Who Gets the Dog in the Divorce?

Pets are part of your family. If you're facing a divorce, you may have big questions about what will happen to shared pets.