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Recent Legal Articles
What Is a Conservatorship?
If the mention of a conservatorship brings to mind recent headlines about a certain pop-music superstar, you might think it's an arrangement used only by celebrities or wealthy people. However, conservatorships can be put into place in a variety of situations.
What's the Difference Between Public and Private Attorneys?
If you or someone you know is facing criminal charges, having an experienced attorney by your side can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. Deciding between a public defender and a private attorney is one of your first decisions.
How to Prove Fault After a Traffic Accident
Sometimes, it's completely clear whose fault a car accident is. Other times, the blame gets a little tricky. Determining car accident fault is an important part of the aftermath for liability reasons.
How Do I Roll Over My 401 (k) When I Start a New Job?
What do you do with your old 401(k) when you leave your job? This guide provides some insight to the many options you have for your money.
Here's How Much Money You Should Have Saved By Age
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10 Tips for Catching Up If You’re Behind on Your Retirement Savings
Your golden years won't feel so golden if you're struggling to pay for your basic expenses. These tips will help you save for a more financially secure retirement.
What Is Adjusted Gross Income?
Adjusted gross income, or AGI, comes up a lot around tax season. You probably think of your income as the amount of money your employer pays you, but for tax purposes, it can be more complicated than that.
What Does It Mean to Itemize My Taxes?
No matter what your financial situation, your goal is to pay the least amount possible in taxes. Learn more about the options for deductions to help you decide whether itemizing is best for you.