Your Guide to an Eco-Friendly Move

by Shelley Frost
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Moving somewhere new is an exciting life event, but have you considered the environmental consequences? That’s right, your move can impact the environment in many ways.

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Make a move that's a little easier on the earth with eco-friendly techniques, such as using green movers and finding reusable moving boxes. Here are tips to help make your move more “green.” 

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What Are the Environmental Impacts of Moving?

The main issues with moving are the waste it produces and the emissions created by the moving service vehicles. Families often declutter before they move, which could send lots of items to the landfill. You also have the disposable packaging materials to contend with after the move. Many of those materials, such as traditional packing peanuts and bubble wrap, don't break down easily, contributing to pollution and crowding landfills. 

Many movers use trucks that burn fossil fuels, generating damaging emissions. The longer the move and the more trips you have to make while moving, the more emissions you create.

How Can Homeowners Reduce Their Carbon Footprint During a Move?

While you can't completely eliminate the environmental impacts of moving, you can reduce your impact by the choices you make. Some ways to reduce your carbon footprint while moving include:

  • Move fewer items: Downsizing before you move means you can use a smaller moving truck or make fewer trips, which saves on gas. Choose eco-friendly methods of getting rid of items, such as selling or donating them.
  • Start planning early: Giving yourself plenty of time to plan for the move avoids last-minute, rushed decisions. It gives you more time to research movers and make eco-friendlier choices. 
  • Use eco-friendly materials: Environmentally friendly moving materials can cut down on your overall impact. For instance, reusing boxes or other containers saves on the production of new packing materials. 
  • Choose an eco-friendly moving service: Research local moving companies to find one that uses eco-friendly practices, such as biodiesel-powered trucks and reusable moving boxes. 
  • Offset your emissions: You might not be able to minimize your carbon emissions as much as you'd like during the move. But you can do your part for the environment by participating in a carbon offset program that allows you to invest in a project that reduces greenhouse gasses. 
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Try Eco-Friendly Packing Supplies

Think about all the belongings in your home. It takes a lot of boxes and cushioning to pack them up and move them to your new location. You can minimize your impact on the environment in several ways, including:

  • Used boxes: Instead of buying new moving boxes, ask everyone you know for old boxes you can reuse. You might find posts on local city Facebook pages offering moving boxes for free. When you're done, pass the boxes on to someone else to keep them going.
  • Storage containers: Using plastic storage totes that can be repurposed in your new home cuts down on waste. You can also pack belongings in suitcases, backpacks, crates and other containers you have around the house. 
  • Rented containers: If you don't need that many plastic totes around your house, rent extras from a moving service. Many DIY moving service companies offer containers for rent that you can use for the duration of your move. 
  • Towels, sheets, clothing and blankets: You need to move bedding, towels and other fabric options anyway. Why not use them as padding to protect your belongings? Wrap fragile belongings in any soft fabric items instead of using newspaper or bubble wrap. 
  • Biodegradable packing peanuts: Swap out traditional packing peanuts for biodegradable options made from starch. They dissolve in water and can go into compost heaps.

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Are There Strategies for Reducing Fuel Consumption and Emissions During a Move?

You can choose eco-friendly movers that minimize your impact on the environment. These companies typically offer reusable moving boxes and similar eco-friendly packing materials to cut down on waste. They might also use vehicles that run on biodiesel fuel, a cleaner-burning alternative to traditional diesel. Additionally, some moving service companies offer smaller vans that run on electricity instead of fuel. This is more practical if you just need to move a few things locally. 

When you’re making a local move, make it more fuel-efficient by condensing it into as few loads as possible. Reducing your belongings before you move can help with this, as can choosing a slightly larger moving truck, so you can fit more inside. 

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