Why Do Spiders Keep Coming Back to My Home?

by Michael Franco
spider among electrical cords in a house

Dealing with a recurring spider problem in your home can be a persistent and often unsettling experience. Spiders are attracted to specific conditions that can make your home their home. Dark, cluttered and undisturbed areas are particularly inviting. Taking steps to address these areas can go a long way in preventing spider infestations.

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Understanding the factors that attract spiders and learning effective strategies for spider control can help you reclaim your space.

What Spiders Like About Your Home

While we can marvel at a giant spider web strung between two forest trees, we're not as in awe when a cobweb is fluttering above our dining table. The fact is, spiders are a remarkably resilient species that can thrive in a wide range of environments. While the outdoors tends to provide an abundance of insect snacks for a spider, it also has the challenges of exposure to predators and the environment. So, some of the arachnids will move indoors. Here are a few reasons why.

Warm and Cozy Spaces

Spiders seek warmth and shelter, especially during colder months. Insulated spaces, attics, and basements provide a haven for these arachnids.

Abundance of Prey

Spiders are predators, and homes with an existing insect population become prime hunting grounds.

Easy Entry Points

Small openings around doors and windows serve as convenient entry points for spiders. The same holds true of window screens with holes. If you hold open the door for spiders (so to speak), they will walk right in.

Inadequate Lighting

Even a well-lit home tends to have dark areas where spiders can escape notice. Without bright light, spiders can move around undetected and build elaborate homes.

Hidden Egg-Laying Spots

Those same dark corners that help spiders avoid detection also make greater nurseries for spider eggs. Unfortunately for homeowners, such a situation could quickly turn into an infestation requiring professional pest treatment.


If you're not the neatest person, you could be a spider's best friend. That's because dust, debris and mountains of stuff provide spiders with suitable environments for web-building.

Effective Strategies for Spider Control

If you have a few too many spiders for your liking and want to eliminate them and deter their return, here’s some advice.

Regular Cleaning

Eliminate webs, egg sacs and dust regularly to discourage spiders from establishing a presence. When vacuuming, be sure to use the proper attachments to reach under and behind furniture and deep into corners.

Eliminate Clutter

When spiders are persistent, it might be time to go through all of those boxes stuffed away in the corner of your closet, basement or garage. If you provide fewer hidden places for spiders to set up a home, they will likely move on.

Natural Repellents

Citrus peels, vinegar and essential oils like peppermint can act as natural spider repellents. Use these around potential entry points and infestation-prone areas.


If you tend to keep your home dark, you may want to increase lighting — especially in corners where you might frequently find spiders or their webs. You might also want to improve the lighting outside your home to keep spiders away in the first place.

Cracks and Openings

Take the time to do an audit of entry points around your home. Use weatherstripping to seal gaps around doors and windows. Caulk any chinks or cracks in your home's walls or foundation. Also, have a look at your window screens and repair any holes or replace them if they are worn out.

Remove Firewood

If you're a homeowner with an indoor fireplace, you'll want to be careful about storing wood inside your home, or even near your front door, as you could unwittingly be bringing spiders or their eggs inside. Bring just enough wood in to feed each fire, and be sure to store your extra wood well away from your home.

Treat Other Pests

If you have any other kind of insect issue, be sure to treat that as well. If you remove the food source for the spiders, they will likely move on to other banquets elsewhere.

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When to Consult a Pest Pro

It's a good idea to seek professional help if you are subject to persistent infestations or if you are having an issue with venomous spiders. Certain spider species, like the brown recluse or black widow, can pose serious health risks. If you suspect their presence or that of other venomous species, seeking professional assistance is a must.

Recurring spider problems can be a nuisance, but by using a proactive approach and strategic interventions, you can reclaim your home. By addressing the factors that attract spiders, implementing preventive measures, and knowing when to enlist professional help, you can create an environment that is inhospitable to these eight-legged intruders.

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