Recent Locksmith Articles

Digital smart door lock security system with the password, close up on numbers on the screen.
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What Is a Smart Lock?

Installing a smart lock could be a smart move to keep your home secure while reducing the chances of you getting locked out.

Installation a deadbolt lock
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Installing a New Deadbolt? Here's Everything You Need to Know

Deadbolt locks are some of the most secure locks you can use for your home. Installing one can be a DIY project. This guide breaks down what you need to know about deadbolt installation.

duplicate machine make new key. Locksmith theme
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Can You Copy a Key From a Photo?

Using a smartphone app, you can copy a key from a photo. Here's what you should know about this technology — including how to keep your keys out of the wrong hands.

Installation a deadbolt lock
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Need a New Deadbolt? Here’s a Cost Breakdown

Deadbolts may need to be replaced for all kinds of reasons. But the service doesn't have to break the bank. On average, the total price starts at about $75.

A hidden front door key under a pebble in the garden with a bike in the background
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Lose Your Keys Often? Here's How to Prevent Lockouts

If you're always misplacing your keys, it might do you well to plan ahead. Here’s how to prevent lockouts.

Digital smart door lock security system with the password, close up on numbers on the screen.
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Team eLocal

What Is a Keyless Lock?

More and more homes are now integrated with assistive technology, making keyless entry an option that busy families may really appreciate.

Hands working on a residential front door lock
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Team eLocal

Go Keyless: Keyless Door Lock Installation Guide

If you're always forgetting your keys, a keyless lock could be a good solution for preventing lockouts. Here's how to install a keyless lock with new or existing hardware using simple step-by-step instructions.

smart front door and keypad lock
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Team eLocal

8 Benefits of Installing Smart Locks

Smart locks can add an extra layer of security to your home. On top of the obvious convenience, some of the benefits might surprise you.