Recent Locksmith Articles

locksmith try to open old wood door with his tools - can use to display or montage on products
Home Improvement
Team eLocal

Why Is My Lock Sticking?

A sticky lock makes your house less secure and could be a sign of an underlying issue. Here's how to fix it without calling a locksmith.

locksmith concentate to open the door with cylinder tools - can use to display or montage on product or service lock and secure
Home Improvement
Bea Johnson

What Are the Different Types of Locks?

Just what types of door locks do you need for your home? Learn more about the different lock types in this handy guide.

Smiling Woman Looking At Technician Fixing The Door Lock With Screwdriver At Home
Home Improvement
Team eLocal

11 Key Facts to Know About Locksmiths

If you find yourself locked out of your house or car, locksmiths are the next best thing to a superhero saving the day. They've swooped in to rescue many of us, and like your favorite cape-clad comic-book character’s secret identity, they’ve got a few secrets up their sleeves.

brass smart lock on a white door with a brass doorknob
Home Improvement
Michael Franco

How to Maintain Door Locks: 5 Key Steps

Well-maintained locks are secure locks. Here are five steps you can take to keep your locks maintained.

Young Male Mechanic Holding Lockpicker To Open Red Car Door
Home Improvement
Michael Franco

4 Innovations That Will Make Car Lockouts a Thing of the Past

Locked out of your car? Luckily, this unfortunate situation is quickly becoming less and less common as modern car key technology continues to advance.

A male hand points the spray nozzle of a can of WD-40 at the lock of a front door, spray nozzle, nozzle, spray, sprayer, spraying, WD-40, spray can, hand, human hand, door, front door, residential door, door handle, door knob, doorknob, door lock, bolt lock, lubricant, lube, libricate
Home Improvement
Team eLocal

Why You Shouldn't Use WD-40 to Lube Your Locks

If you rely on WD-40 to fix squeaky door hinges, it stands to reason that you could also use it to lubricate a sticky lock. But that’s not the case. In fact, using WD-40 for this purpose could have a negative effect.

removing a doorknob with a screwdriver
Home Improvement
Michael Franco

How to Replace a Doorknob: Turns Out, There Are Only 6 Steps

Replacing doorknobs is one of the simplest ways you can enhance the decor of a room. It’s easy, straightforward and pretty budget-friendly as well.

smart front door and keypad lock
Home Improvement
Michael Franco

High Alert: Arlo Launches Security System Featured at CES 2022

A 2022 CES Innovation Award Honoree, the new Arlo Home Security System packs a powerful punch into an easy-to-use system. Here's all you need to know.