How to Make Your Home Look Occupied While You're on Vacation

by Michael Franco
Luxury house at night in Vancouver, Canada.

Going on vacation should be a time for relaxation and enjoyment. However, leaving your home unoccupied can often lead to concerns about security, as an empty house can be attractive to burglars or vandals. But with a few smart and simple strategies, you can make your home appear occupied even when you're miles away.

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From high-tech solutions to traditional methods, these tips can help you maintain the illusion of an occupied home, ensuring your peace of mind while you enjoy your time away.

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Smart Solutions

Smart Lighting Systems

One of the most effective ways to make your home look occupied is to use smart lighting systems. These solutions let you control your lights remotely via your smartphone or set up schedules for when lights should turn on and off. Randomizing the lighting patterns can mimic the natural behavior of someone being home, making it harder for burglars to detect a pattern.

Smart Home Security Systems

Invest in a comprehensive smart home security system, including motion detectors, cameras, a smart doorbell and alarm systems. Lots of security systems let you monitor your home in real time and even communicate through doorbell cameras. Visible cameras and alarm system signs can deter potential intruders.

Smart Plugs

Use smart plugs to control other electronics in your home, such as TVs or radios. You can schedule these devices to turn on and off at various times to give the impression that someone is home watching TV or listening to music.

Automated Window Blinds

Automated window blinds can be programmed to open and close at different times of the day. This not only enhances the illusion of occupancy but also protects your home's interior from excessive sunlight and prying eyes.

Traditional Methods

Timers for Lights and Electronics

If smart technology is not an option, traditional timers can also be very effective. Set timers for lamps, radios and TVs to turn on and off at specific times. Ensure the lights in different rooms turn on and off throughout the evening to simulate normal activity.

Arrange for Mail and Newspaper Pickup

A telltale sign of an unoccupied home is a pile of newspapers or an overflowing mailbox. Arrange for a neighbor or a friend to collect your mail and newspapers daily. Alternatively, you can put a hold on mail and newspaper deliveries through the post office while you’re away.

Park a Car in the Driveway

If you have multiple vehicles, leave one parked in the driveway. If that's not possible, ask a neighbor if they can park their car in your driveway occasionally to create the appearance of activity.

Close Curtains or Blinds

Before you leave, make sure to close the curtains or blinds on ground-level windows. This prevents potential intruders from peeking inside to check for occupancy. However, ensure that this looks natural and not like an obvious sign of absence.

Get Trashy

If you're going to be away at a time when your trash bins would normally go to the curb for pickup, ask a neighbor to put them out for you – even if they are empty. Also, ask them to bring them back to the curb. Thieves will deliberately look for this activity and if they don't see it happening at your home, it can be an invitation for trouble.

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Additional Precautions

Maintain the Yard

An unkempt yard can be a clear indicator that no one is home. Try to get someone to mow the lawn, water the plants and generally maintain the exterior appearance of your property while you're away. If you'll be away in winter, have someone remove snow from your walkways and driveways. If your trip is in the fall, have someone remove leaves. The more sanctioned activity around your home while you're away, the better.

Secure Valuables

While this doesn't directly make your home look occupied, securing your valuables in a home safe is simply a smart step, especially if you travel often. Ensure that important documents, jewelry and other valuable items are locked away.

Inform Trusted Neighbors and Police

Let trusted neighbors know about your travel itinerary so they can check up on your property. Some local police departments also offer vacation watch programs where they will periodically check on your home.

Install a Home Security System Sign

Even if you don't have a full security system, placing a sign or window sticker from a reputable security company can deter potential burglars.

Keep Your Plans Off Social Media

It’s a good idea to avoid posting about your vacation plans on social media until you return. Broadcasting that your home is vacant can attract unwanted attention.

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Vacation With Peace of Mind

Making your home look occupied while you're on vacation is a crucial step in ensuring its security. By combining smart technologies with traditional methods, you can create a convincing illusion of activity, potentially deterring burglars. From using smart lighting systems and automated blinds to parking a car in the driveway and asking neighbors for help, there are numerous strategies to choose from. Implementing these measures will give you peace of mind and let you enjoy your travel adventures without worrying about the safety of your home.

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