How Much Do Hearing Aids Cost?

by Team eLocal
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Hearing clearly helps you stay safe, interact with others in public and create meaningful connections with people you know. But, as you age, your hearing can get worse — especially if you're regularly exposed to loud noises.

Now, you might need hearing aids to help. How much do hearing aids cost? That varies depending on several factors.

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How Much Do Hearing Aids Cost?

You can expect to pay an average of $2,000 per hearing aid, according to Forbes. Many people need a pair of hearing aids, so their cost will often be around $4,000 in total. However, a pair of hearing aids can cost $6,000 or more, depending on various factors.

What Are the Different Types of Hearing Aids?

Audiologists offer a variety of hearing aid types, which can vary in price. Here are some pricing examples based on various types:

  • In-the-ear hearing aids: about $3,200 each
  • Behind-the-ear hearing aids: $2,700 to $3,300 each
  • Receiver-in-canal hearing aids: about $2,500 each

Your audiologist might recommend a specific type of hearing aid that will work best for your level of hearing loss.

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What Other Factors Influence Price?

The technology and extra features that a hearing aid has can affect the pricing. Hearing aid technology changes frequently, so the latest models with the best technology cost more than basic models. You can also upgrade for extra features, such as wireless connectivity and noise-reduction features.

The brand can make some difference in the pricing. However, there aren't a lot of hearing aid brands available, which means there's not much competition to drive the prices lower.

You'll also see variations in pricing based on what's included. A longer, more robust warranty might increase the price. You might also pay more if the hearing aids include extra services, such as cleanings and adjustments.

Does Health Insurance Cover Hearing Aids?

Most private health insurance policies cover hearing aids and the exams that are required to get them. The coverage rates vary by plan. You might have to pay your deductible before the coverage starts. Some plans might require a copay or coinsurance to cover part of the hearing aid cost. Review your coverage sheet or call your health insurance provider to find out how they cover hearing aids.

However, if you have Medicare, you won't get any coverage from Parts A and B. Original Medicare doesn't pay for hearing aids or the associated exams. You'll need Part C coverage, also known as Medicare Advantage, to get coverage. Most of those private plans help pay for hearing aids.

Why Do Hearing Aids Cost So Much?

Despite their small size, hearing aids come with a large price tag. The price accounts for more than just the material in the aid. It includes all the research that went into improving technology. When you get hearing aids, you'll go in for exams, fittings and a setup process, which takes time for your audiologist. You might also get a warranty, as well as ongoing support from the hearing aid provider.

What Are Other Ways You Can Pay for Hearing Aids?

Coming up with thousands of dollars if you don't have insurance coverage can be difficult for many people. If you find out how much hearing aids cost and can't afford it, consider these options:

  • Financing: Some hearing aid companies offer financing programs that let you spread out the cost through monthly payments.
  • Medicaid: Medicaid varies based on where you live since each state sets many of its rules and regulations. Many states cover hearing aids under Medicaid, but the coverage is sometimes restricted to those who are prescribed hearing aids by a health care professional. Check with your state if you have Medicaid.
  • Charities and organizations: Many groups offer affordable hearing aids through their assistance programs. Examples include the Lions Club recycling program and the Starkey Hearing Foundation.
  • Local and state agencies: Check with your local Area Agency on Aging or other agencies that might offer assistance. If they can't help you directly, they might have other resources they can recommend.
  • Department of Veterans Affairs: Military veterans can often get hearing aids through the VA if they qualify.

If you need hearing aids, many assistance options can make them more affordable if you don't have insurance coverage for them. Regardless of how you pay for your hearing aids, using them to regain some of your hearing can make your life safer and more enjoyable.

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