How Much Does Driveway Sealing Cost?

by Team eLocal
Asphalt Driveway sealing blacktop paving

Pouring a driveway is an expensive investment, so it's important to take appropriate steps to protect that investment and ensure it lasts. Some of those steps involve planning the construction properly — such as ensuring there are runoff areas and downspouts set to divert water away.

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Once the driveway is in place, it's important to keep it free from debris, snow and vehicle fluids. Driveway sealing costs are a reasonable addition to the investment that helps prevent these issues and increases the longevity of the asphalt.

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What Is Driveway Sealing?

Driveway sealing involves coating the driveway in protective material. The sealant used will vary depending on the material used for the driveway and the major threats the sealant is intended to prevent. Once a new or repaired driveway has cured, the sealant is applied using a brush or high-pressure sprayer. Depending on the type of sealant, it will either form a protective layer on the top, or it will soak into the driveway to protect it from just below the top layer.

How Does Sealing the Driveway Protect It?

  • Prevents water from penetrating the driveway, which can crack the surface as it freezes
  • Protects against staining from vehicle fluids, maintaining appearance and preventing chemicals from degrading the driveway
  • Creates an easier surface for cleaning, making it easier to keep it free of debris
  • Slows the damaging effects of oxidation, which can cause the driveway to fade and crack
  • Minimizing weed growth between pavers by hardening the sand
  • Restores worn surfaces, especially asphalt, to create a smoother look and feel

How Much Does It Cost to Seal a Driveway?

The total cost for sealing or resealing a driveway can vary greatly. The material used for the driveway, square footage, sealant choice and additional work needed can all affect the final expense. According to LawnStarter, average estimates for driveway sealing asphalt and concrete are as follows:

12 feet by 24 feet

  • Asphalt: $43 to $67
  • Concrete: $244 to $614

24 feet by 24 feet

  • Asphalt: $86 to $133
  • Concrete: $489 to $1,227

24 feet by 48 feet

  • Asphalt: $172 to $265
  • Concrete: $979 to $2,454

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Other Expense Factors

Sometimes other expenses will come into play when estimating professional driveway sealing costs. The driveway will need to be cleaned before the sealant can be applied, and this is likely to add some labor costs, especially for driveways that are particularly stained. Pressure washing a driveway can cost between 25 and 40 cents per square foot.

Repairs must be done before sealing, or it will reduce the effectiveness of the seal. A driveway with lots of cracks will be more expensive to reseal.

Really porous driveways may need two coats, which can also increase the price.

How Much Does It Cost to Do It Yourself?

Homeowners can save themselves some cash by tackling the reseal on their own and avoiding labor costs. For example, a driveway that would cost about $350 to seal professionally may cost as little as $200 without the contractor. It would likely take additional time to complete, but the results would be comparable if the homeowner prepared properly and purchased a quality sealant.

It takes 5 gallons of sealant to cover 300 square feet, so a 12-foot by 24-foot asphalt driveway could be sealed for under $40, based on sealant prices from The Home Depot.

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