How Much Do Bamboo Floors Cost?

by Team eLocal
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Bamboo Flooring Installation Costs at a Glance

  • Total cost: $6-$14 per square foot
  • Labor cost: $3-$5 per square foot
  • Replace subfloor: $700
  • Vapor barriers: $5 per square foot

Are you looking for an environmentally friendly option for a new floor? Bamboo flooring is made of more sustainable material, has natural scratch resistance and may be a bit more durable than traditional hardwood floors.

More people are turning to this eco-friendly material than ever before. This guide reviews all the costs involved in installation.

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Bamboo Flooring Installation Costs

There are a lot of factors in play when determining your cost. How large is the area you’re going to cover, what type of flooring are you planning to purchase and are you going to hire someone to install it for you? According to HGTV, the average cost of installing bamboo floors is somewhere between $6 and $14 per square foot, including labor. Doing the project yourself can save you about $4 per square foot on labor costs.

Different Types of Bamboo Floors

There are three types of bamboo flooring to choose from:

  • Vertical bamboo floors are created with vertical bamboo stalks to create consistent lines. They’re perfect for a contemporary style but are less durable.
  • Horizontal bamboo floors are created with layers of bamboo to create a more natural look. You’re able to see more of the natural bamboo structure.
  • Strand-woven bamboo uses bamboo that’s been shredded into fibers and heated. The result is flooring that’s much more durable and resistant to stains and scuffs than other types of bamboo floors.

The cost of each material varies based on where you purchase it and the quality of the product. Expect to pay more money if you’re looking for scratch resistance and added durability.

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Additional Cost Factors

The cost of your materials and installation labor isn’t all you need to consider when planning within a budget. Before you can put in new floors, you need to remove the existing flooring. If you’re having someone else do this for you, you’re going to pay more money for labor and cleanup. When you remove your floor, you’re going to have to inspect your subflooring to make sure it’s in good condition.

Repairing or replacing the subfloor can cost you up to $700. Don’t forget that you also need to remove your molding and baseboards during the replacement and either replace them or reinstall the existing ones. Labor is often calculated at an hourly rate, so anything that extends the time of the project can cost you more money.

Once you’ve removed your old floor, you may decide it’s a good idea to put in vapor barriers or a foam insulating underlay to protect your new floors. If you go this route, it can add up to $5 per square foot to your bill. The last step is to stain your new floors to match the design of your house. You need to purchase the stain you’d like and may need to pay extra labor if you’re having it installed professionally.

How Much Does Labor Cost?

There are pros and cons in favor of installing the flooring yourself or choosing from professional flooring companies. While doing it yourself can certainly save you money, there is more room for error, and it takes much longer to complete the project. The labor cost simply for installing your new floor is between $3 and $5 per square foot.

Labor is more expensive if you need to have your bamboo floors stained and want the company to handle removing your old floor and installing insulation under your new floor. The best way to ensure you’re getting a good deal is to get cost estimates from several companies and ask for the quotes to include the cost of materials and labor separately.

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