
Thank you for your interest in the eLocal Ping/Post API, we look forward to working with you. Attached is the full documentation for our API.

Our server is available at:


Your API key is:

Below is an example of how to make a ping request. In this example, we are setting a zip code of 19428 and using your category id 2243.

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"ping": {"zip_code":"19428", "need_id": "2243", "key":"<em> <api key="" here=""></api> </em>" }}' https://api.elocal.com/lead/ping

Upon execution, you will see a response like


Next, is an example of making a post request.

curl -H &apos;Content-type: application/json&apos; -d '{"post": {"zip_code":"19428", "need_id": "2243", "key":"<em> <api key="" here=""></api> </em>", "first_name": "Lester", "last_name": "Tester", "phone": "555-555-5555", "email": "lester@tester.com" }}'https://api.elocal.com/lead/post

Upon execution, you will see a response like:


Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or problems.

Before we complete our integration, one thing we will need from you is the full set of need identifiers (e.g. what the lead is looking to buy). An eLocal representative will be responsible for mapping all of your identifiers to ours.

Once development is complete and we confirm leads are coming through correctly on the server, we will enable your key to send leads in to the eLocal network.

I look forward to working with you.

Thomas Green

email: tom.green@elocal.com phone: 720-318-5445