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Carina Jenkins

Dog Bites and Legal Action: What Happens After an Attack?

No one want to be on the receiving end of a dog bite. No matter how severe the bite is, taking the proper steps afterward can help you recover faster and get the financial compensation you deserve. 

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What Should I Do If I've Been Injured on or by Public Transportation?

Being involved in a public transportation accident can result in personal injury that keeps you from working and creates high medical bills. Here's what to know about public transportation injury claims.

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Carina Jenkins J.D. Team eLocal

What Happens If You Don't Pay a Traffic Ticket?

While ignoring a traffic ticket is a bad idea, don't panic if you forgot about one. There are usually ways to remedy the situation.

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Carina Jenkins

Can I Get My Speeding Ticket Reduced?

Moving violations can be time-consuming, have financial repercussions and can impact your driving record. Find out if your infraction is set in stone — and if not, how to get  your speeding ticket reduced.

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Do I Have a Personal Injury Case?

Not every injury qualifies as a “personal injury.” Find out what falls under personal injury law and how you should proceed if your situation meets the requirements. 

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James Fitzgerald

How to Install a Window AC Unit in 6 Simple Steps

Looking to beat the heat with a window AC unit this summer? Learn how to safely and efficiently install a window AC unit with this step-by-step guide.

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Michael Franco

My Washing Machine Won't Drain! Here are 3 Ways to Fix It

A washer that won’t drain is aggravating, but don’t call the repair techs just yet. You might be able to diagnose, and maybe even repair it, yourself.

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Team eLocal

Why Is My Boiler Making a Banging Noise?

A noisy boiler is certainly irritating, but it can also indicate that something's not quite right with your unit's components. A boiler making a banging noise is a common complaint with several possible causes.


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